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Hugo workflow


This is the way I’m working with Hugo:


I have a public repository in Bitbucket

Local work

Clone the repo:

git clone

It is not relevant, but I’m using Visual Studio Code to work with the code.

Update the site

I’m using two directories under posts:

└── content
    └── posts
        └── blog
        └── htb

this way I keep separated normal “blog” posts and htb writeups (or any other category I come up with).

So to create new posts:

hugo new posts/blog/

To test:

hugo server -D

Use the -D switch to include drafts, but remember to remove the draft tag from the front matter of the post.


rm -rf ./public
Remember to cleanup the public directory before committing. Hugo will not remove stale files or directories

This can be done with these command line options:

hugo --config=${ppath}/config.toml --cleanDestinationDir --destination=${ppath}/public


Once updates are ok, update remote git repo:

git add -A
git commit -m "added a new interesting post"
git push origin master

Website updates

This happens automatically. There is a cronjob running in the server that pulls from bitbucket and syncs the /public Hugo directory with the root directory of the web site:

cd /home/user/git/
git pull
rsync -av --delete /home/user/git/ /web_directory/html/
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